XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology (13-19 July 2014)

XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology in Yokohama (第18回ISA世界社会学会議)のアブストラクト募集がはじまりました。来年7月、横浜での開催になります。

私もJoint SessionのCo-organizerとして参加するつもりです。ちなみにセッションタイトルは「Organizing Change – Changing Organization: Social Movements and the Innovation of Organizational Forms and Cultures」というものです。登録していただければ、あるいはお知り合いの研究者の方々に御宣伝いただければ、泣いて喜びます。以下にアブストラクトを転載します(http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/rc/joint-sessions.phpより)。

Organizing Change – Changing Organization: Social Movements and the Innovation of Organizational Forms and Cultures

Joint session of RC17 Sociology of Organizations and RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements [host committee]

Session Organizer
Christoph HAUG, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Alan SCOTT, University of New England, Australia
Kyoko TOMINAGA, University of Tokyo, Japan

There is a tension in social movement studies between seeing organization(s) as a mere means for achieving a goal (social change) and seeing certain forms of organization and organizational culture as a goal in itself. This tension among scholars reflects a tension among activists regarding their strategy for making the world a better place for all. While some aim to organize the masses in order to force power holders to yield (some of) their power to them, others engage in prefigurative politics and cultural resistance, aiming to change the very way we organize. In this joint session, we want to explore this tension as it plays itself out both in social movement activism and in academic debates.

We are particularly interested in how processes of globalization affect these dynamics; after all, the Weberian/Leninist model of bureaucratic organization that many activists want to change or abandon is a Western invention provoking Western counter models. What happens where the dominant model is a different one? Or where alternative forms have failed? What happens when prefigurative activists aiming to create horizontal forms of organization among equals are faced with vast global inequalities? What do the organizers of the masses do when they find that their opponents have adopted organizational forms that diffuse power, making it difficult to identify the power holder that needs to be replaced? What is the role of indigenous movements in the innovation of organizational forms? Does the multiplication of organizational cultures and languages facilitate or hamper change in established ways of organizing? How do the global communication infrastructures affect organizing?

We welcome papers that address these questions as well as any other papers that speak to the overall topic of the session.
