The 2nd Japan-Korea CSR Workshop: Collaboration among the Government, Business, and Civil Society

We will held the workshop “The 2nd Japan-Korea CSR Workshop: Collaboration among the Government, Business, and Civil Society” in Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. It covers the issue of CSR (corporate social responsibility) in Japan and Korea. Overall, the workshop deals with some distinct but related issues; social enterprises, civil society, and labor unions. We will welcome professional researchers and students sharing the interest.

2017年9月15日より、立命館大学にて国際ワークショップ「The 2nd Japan-Korea CSR Workshop: Collaboration among the Government, Business, and Civil Society」を開催します。「CSR」(企業の社会的責任)の日韓比較が主要なテーマではありますが、報告内容は社会的企業、市民社会、労働、とバリエーションに富んでいます。ご関心のある方は、ぜひともお越し頂ければ幸いです。

Hirai-Kaichiro Memorial Library in Ritsumeikan University
立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 平井嘉一郎記念図書館

PROGRAM (随時更新します)

10:00-10:05 General Information (Kyoko Tominaga)
10:05-10:10 Opening Remark (Suk-Ki Kong)
10:15-10:45 Satoquo Seino’s presentation (Kyushu University)
10:45-11:15 “Scoping Out Eco-Democracy in Community Energy Transition Projects in Jeju” by Suk-Ki Kong(SNU)
11:15-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 “CRS and Leadership in POSCO” by Young-Choon Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
12:00-12:30 “From Investment to Consumption: Contemporary Consumer Movements by Youth” by Kyoko Tominaga (Ritsumeikan University)
12:30-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:15 Shoji Hashiguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
14:15-14:45 “Social Venture Movement in South Korea” by Myung-joon Park(Korean Labor Institute)
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-15:30 “Constituting the Organizational Field of Work Integration Social Enterprises in Japan” by Akira Yonezawa (Meijigakuin University)
15:30-16:00 “Job Creation as Social Movement: Focusing on ‘Kwang-Ju Job Creation Model’by Jeong-Pyo Hong(Miyazaki International College)
16:00-16:30 “Diversity and Inclusion in Multicultural Community Building: A case of the Ichō Housing Complex” by Toru Oga (Kyushu University)
16:30-16:45 Coffee Break
16:45-17:45 General Discussion
17:45-18:00 Closing Remark (Toru Oga)
18:00-20:00 Reception Party

Kyoko Tominaga ([email protected])

JSPS and NRF under the Japan-Korea Basic Scientific Cooperation Program
Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program
International Institute of Language and Cultural Studies, Ritsumeikan University
